Muhammad is a futurist who dreams of a world that exemplifies natural complementary living, a stage of bio-mimetics where nature and human living conditions will be symbiotic. He wants to see an inclusive, healthy, zero pollution, zero carbon footprint civilization and for this purpose is now carrying out research work on a completely unprofitable and unfunded basis. He is a BIM and numerical simulation expert and currently, he is working on artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, and deep learning for more in-depth work in biomimetics, sustainable parametric architecture, generative architecture, and aesthetics. He is also highly motivated and emotionally attached to investigating inclusive architecture and visual-spatial configuration in the physical world and metaverse for individuals with unique abilities. He has experience in working with many research groups. He was a student researcher and strategic design champion of “ Water As Leverage For Resilient Cities Asia” Powered By Mott Macdonald, and UNDP. Furthermore, he plans to collaborate VR/AR technologies in his research works.

Architect | Futurist | Sustainable Design Expert

Predicting The Future With Technological Advancement

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